Sunday, November 21, 2010
“Constructing a decolonized world city for consumption: Discourses on Hong Kong Disneyland and their implications.” Social Semiotics 20 (5): 573-592.

Monday, July 19, 2010
What is art?
Jones, S. H. 2005. Autoethnography: Making the personal political. In Denzine & Lincoln (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (3rd edition). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
My book, Remade in Hong Kong: How Hong Kong People Use Hong Kong Disneyland, is now published!

The settlement process and the cultural import of Hong Kong Disneyland in Hong Kong complicate these studies because of the evolving post-colonial situation that Disney encounters in Hong Kong. While Disney specializes in “imagineering” dreams, Hong Kong itself is messily imagining what “Hong Kong” is and should be, and how it should deal with others, including transnational companies and Mainlanders. In this thesis, I appropriate Doreen Massey’s ideas of space-time in order to examine Hong Kong Disneyland not as a self-enclosed park but as itself a multiplicity of spaces where dynamic social relations intersect in the wider context of post-colonial Hong Kong. I illuminate the shifting relationship between Disney, Mainlanders, and the locals as this relationship develops in its discursive, institutional, and everyday-life aspects. Through interviews and ethnographic research, I study how my respondents have established and interpreted the meanings of Hong Kong Disneyland, and how they have made use of the park to support their own constructions of place, of politics, and of identity.